Friday, September 7, 2007
New Blog Struggles
In news that will break little hearts, but may break those of the hardcore, DevelopMag, has reported that there will be no Crackdown sequel despite the games success. The developer said that Microsoft took too long to say anything about a sequel, if they said anything at all. The developer is now working on a new project. Personally I would have been happy with a sequel to Crackdown because I enjoyed the game a great deal. Unfortunately I have not been able to play the game since the new content and achievements have come out but on a free day that I am not playing one of the many games that I need to catch up on, I may just play.
On Labor Day, here in the US, the Hidden Fronts Map Pack finally went free (everywhere of course). It really was a good marketing strategy for them to wait this long because basically all Gears of War gets now is one last punch before Halo 3 ships and KO’s the aforementioned GOW.
In Rapture there may be new Plasmids coming though, if I do not get teleportation, I doubt if I will really care or if it will make much of an impact (not that any BioShock news does not create waves). In other BioShock news the title update that got me exited when I booted up the game the other day does not much other than improve the stability of saved games. I am on my second run through of the game where I toned it down from hard (just to have fun and feel powerful) and have taken to harvesting Little Sisters this time through. I have died few times and I am greatly enjoying myself once again. I am enjoying looking at the plot from a new angle the most though.
The imminence of the perfect storm that is Halo 3 is beginning to reach its climax. Halo 3 is going to be available to play this Thursday night on IMAX as reported by the Microsoft GamerScoreBlog. Check Pontiac (as they are the sponsor) for more details). As soon as I found this out I signed myself up. I plan on showing up at least two hours early for that. In previously rumored news that was confirmed to be true, Master Chief a.k.a. Spartan 117 a.k.a. John was "unveiled," in a large event that took place on Monday, at Madame Tussauds in Las Vegas. It was said that it would probably tour the various locations so if, and when, it comes to New York, and you can count on the picture.
Another event I should be attended is the Rock Band tour. It comes to New York at the beginning of November and I will be there rocking out on guitar (the only thing I feel confident enough to try). I am stoked to start my own online band (no real band for me) or be a part of one. I need to at least master Guitar Hero II on Hard Mode first.
Speaking of the impossible (I’m not that good at GH2) a Shivering Isles standalone disc is being released alongside the GOTY edition. I still have not played Shivering Isles. Oblivion is quickly one of those many games that I have been struggling to finish.
It is not always sunny on the Xbox 360 however. It has recently been reported by that there is STILL no good news for the 360 in Japan. Dismal sales continue to plague the console in the Far East. The boys over at the X3F podcast wonder if the 360 will take a page out of the original Xbox’s playbook and just stop making games for the Japanese market. I find myself worried and wondering about the same thing.
Lastly, many people I know who own the Wii console are finding that their “gimmick” is wearing out and Nintendo is worried about “gamers” becoming complacent (via Joystiq). LAIR continues to be plagued by bad press while Sony fights the good, though failing, fight for its lost triple-A title. They went so far as to send a reviewers guide out many major sites (via IGN). I think now what Sony needs to worry about is their delay to Stranglehold and The Orange Box. A collector’s edition of Stranglehold does not do you much good if you cannot play it when your proverbial rivals can.
It was an interesting few days since my last update and as the holiday season approaches it will only get more weird and a lot more crazy.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Midnight Update Meets "Deadline"
This holiday season is a bank breaker, more than just Halo 2, and I have an already broken bank account. Mass Effect, one of the games to own this holiday, now has a release date of November 20th and Bioware has always impressed me. When Jade Empire came out I was all about it though I never properly finished the game. Mass Effect might have to wait for me but I should be playing it sometime in the top half of next year. Another game I might eventually pick up again will be Small Arms but it might have to take a trip to my phone (one of the two I own). Team Xbox reported that it will be hitting various cell phone carriers this fall. Also on Team Xbox the new Simpsons game parodying Medal of Honor was posted. I fully enjoyed the trailer and I feel like the game will be everything that a good Simpsons game should be. When my bank account recovers I'll be pre-ordering next years blockbusters.
A sure fire blockbuster of next year will be Halo Wars whose high definition, ten minute, game trailer is on XBLM. I recall that when this was announced at last years E3 I was stoked but, though it could be the pre-Halo 3 lull (could it hardly be called a lull), I do not feel as excited as I feel I should be. Let this be known now, in Halo's heyday, I was the biggest fanboy I knew. Now, after Gears of War, I was not sure where I stood with the whole series (Halo). Then I played the beta. 'Nuff said. Still, I am not sure I want to play the proverbial "God" in the Halo Universe. Blockbuster? It is possible but it will be a tough call for me.
As the present is concerned I feel that Blue Dragon will erased from blockbuster status by Bioshock. Will I be right, only time will tell. Will TimeShift be erased by Halo 3? Maybe the news of a demo will alleviate that, though not for myself. I find myself playing less demos and instead following the hype machine and discovering sleeper hits that have since past their heyday. Speaking of "heyday", I am exited for Viva Pinata to come to DS. The only other game I am exited about, for DS, is Zelda: Phantom Hourglass.
In gaming politics Jack Thompson is causing quite the ruckus about Manhunt 2 having its rating changed from AO to M. He proceeded to send several immature emails back and forth with the community manager of Manhunt. I got a laugh out of it.
That is all I have for you today. Until next time, keep gaming.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
My BioShock Experience
I continued to play during the week on and off, but still getting as much as I could in.
It came down to yesterday when I sat myself down determined to beat the game (day off). I made it to a point where I was sure I was at the end, but alas, I was not even close... I was at least 5 hours from the games climactic finish. I played for seven hours and had to stop. I later played for another half hour (much to my girlfriend's dismay).
But today was the day that the ending was in my grasp. It was cheesy but awesome and all in all this was one of the best games I have ever played. I really mean that when I say it, because although I consider myself a hardcore gamer, I can say, with all honesty, I do not know what I'll feel like playing tomorrow. I will definitely be giving it another run through but I need to give my brain a rest.
Lastly, if I had to give the game a review I would give it a 9.6. The loss of .4 comes from the ease of the respawn and the slightly cheesy ending.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
big daddy comes home.
up close and personal.
even big daddies are made in china.
would you like some drill with that ouch?
lastly mr. bubbles says goodnight, because i promise you, it hurts.
check out bioshock, in stores now.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
my raging obsession.
the current, or future, campaign that i am going to be obsessed with is the mass halo 3 coverage that will be everywhere. it will be in my 7-eleven, my burger king, mountain dew, etc. i have even considered purchasing a halo 3 xbox 360. i am exited and tantalized at every prospect. i want to pick up the halo 3 zune.
now the big thing here i am pointing out is i am a media whore and those ads that everyone ignores. those apply to me. i love em, well most of the time. most people get sick of it and say what is the point. people know about the simpsons and halo, why do i need it shoved in my face. i say because it is directed at people like me who will gobble it all up and buy it all. i love it through and through and i welcome more of it. bring it on baby.
Friday, August 10, 2007
this has been an eventful year for me other than for music. music has come out this year but i don't feel overwhelmed by it as i did last year.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Halo 3 Media Onslaught
read more | digg story
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
superbad review?
maybe i'll review the everytime i die album next... who knows i don't know if i will pass judgement on it just yet. but i do like it... alot.

Monday, July 30, 2007
alien hominid hd
so i bring this game up even though i have had it forever because they recently patched it to fix the last 'glitched achievement'. the achievement that was messed up was the one where you had to collect all the hats in the game. i am down to the last three. two i know how to get and the last one i am not even sure because i do not know which one it is that i am missing. i have attempted to browse the forums and old walkthroughs for the game but i have had no luck. i'll update everyone when i have it which should be no later than tomorrow. hopefully.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
this past weekend...
friday cindy and i woke up to catch the chinatown bus to maryland. it sucked at first because when we got on the bus it wasn't running so there was no ac. it soon cooled down after we got going but i was parched the entire trip because of a lack of water or anything else to drink. when we arrived it was incredibly hott. yes, that hot. we found whit and rick and headed to 7-eleven to get something to drink and then headed to whit's. kara got home and we all hung out going to the supermarket and best buy. that night we saw the simpson's movie and it was really amazing.
yesterday was great... i ate far too much and then drank far too much. i ate chipotle and some intense nachos. then it took me three beers to actually get buzzed (food soaks up alcohol). i got the new every time i die leak which is amazing... i am listening to it now. i made really good drunk friends with kara's girlfriend last night... drunk dancing doesn't really work. i also talked to matt and i do not really know what he even thought of that.
alright i am going to enjoy my last few hours in maryland... peace.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007
sh*t happens.
so for the past week or so i have been on a real gears of war kick and it has been really insane. i have picked up some achievements in the game, some new and some old which is always fun. i am only expecting the new ones and i have also picked up two old which was a nice present. and that is it for that.
now for the icing on the cake. even though i do not live with family anymore i still get to hear about all the loveliness that goes on there. the newest, amazing, bit of information is that my brother has been arrested. arrested no less for beating the living shit out of someone. This reflects so well on me. Honestly, I just do not understand what I did right because for all intents and purposes my siblings and I are the ones who reflect to most poorly on my grandparents. I am so thrilled about this, but I am still happy that I am enjoying my life.
I have a beautiful girl who I plan on spending my life with. I have an amazing best friend. I have a new gay lover (lol, you know who you are). I have an arguably healthy hobby and I have a job that I love (it will let me go places, and it will make me the money I need to do what I need right now).
I love you all and I will speak with y'all later.
Monday, July 9, 2007
Sunday, July 8, 2007
harry, cindy, valerie, and i went to the barcade and proceeded to drink a lot and at least harry and i played some games. it was tons o' fun and there is not much more to say about it other than hilarity ensuing.
there was drunk dialing, touching and lots of laughs. thank you everyone.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
buy teh haloz.
other than that i have not really been up to all that much. i have been playing the normal amount of games if not a little bit more. i picked up lego star wars 2 for twenty bucks so the game and its achievements should keep me amused at least for a bit. i really have my heart set out on picking up the darkness but i do not think i will get to do that for at least another week. yesterday and today i was also playing a bit of gears and i enjoyed that quite a bit. i need to catch up with the rest of the community with that one. i should get to that before halo 3 drops. that will come a lot sooner than later.
but back to the world of the real...
i am on a program to promoted starting the week of the ninth so i am exited and nervous about that at the same time.
i think i am going to play a couple of games of uno on live and then collapse into sleep for a while.
Friday, June 15, 2007
hostel part II
with the feeling of wanting to perpetually vomit. no, not the gore but
the deathly real way in which this part was presented just leaves the
stomach boiling in a very unpleasant way.
it was funny when the two girls "just couldn't take it anymore" and had
to leave the theater. eli roth is a genius of this variety and while
part I made me wonder, part II made me shiver with unpleasantries. bravo
sir your movie is a hit.
my obsession.
Saturday, June 9, 2007
The Trials and Tribulations of My Job
now i am to be promoted when my manager returns from her vacation and i am eager to see the outcome of what are likely to be another set of politics, rules and regulations (according to her).
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Friday, June 1, 2007
~gabe saporta.
i think this is the best pessimism i have read in a while, but hey everyone hates this guy and i love him.
Monday, May 7, 2007
i saw many bands that i enjoyed greatly, saturday was packed full of them, and sunday was more of a day of discovering. i discovered three bands that i am very happy to have discovered. the matches, who i also met and love; four stories, who i do not know a lot about yet; and dear hunter, which i am currently listening to.
since the weekend not much has been going on, though i have had a few days off because of renovations at my job. it am looking forward to them although i did loose some hours this week. i'll live.
so this is a short entry of sorts just to ehh, update.
other notes:
spider-man 3 was amazing and i don't care what others think.
my cousin rebecca is awesome.
the matches are again, amazing.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
the need to get back on track.
honestly, at this point, i am getting quite sick.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
after birthday experiences.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
birthday unsurprize.
first though: the most overused question on one's birthday: how does it feel to be (insert age here)?
do people, including parents ask this because there is nothing better to ask or do they expect a new an inspired response that will seemingly blow them in to the next galaxy? no, i think not.
second: i meant to post this on my twitter but the most overused substance is not what one would consider a drug, it is, DUM DUM DUM: splenda.
so my birthday consisted of coming home from work last night at the very late hour of midnight only to be in a tiff with cindy who was actually asleep at the time (mind you this was all my fault so oh well). after i ended up waking her up she gave me some surprise birthday presents that are two complete graphic novels of jonen vasquez (invader zim). after seven hours of sleep we awoke and hung around till i went to work for a few hours. yes, i did indeed work on my birthday. after getting off of work cindy and i enjoyed a meal at cosi and went to see hot fuzz, but not before retrieving my forgotten comic at my job. the movie was great but what followed is the reason i suppose for this entry.
we were in virgin megastores only to browse some cds, video games, whatever. the ever controversial subject of my parents came up and bam!, i have not since spoken more than a few sentences and choice words to her since. i am currently sitting on this lovely hardwood floor typing as lightly as i can while cindy is what i am assume is attempting to snooze. from what i actually piece together from nothing is that i had no choice in this silence i just chose to actually go with it. i can not even be angry because i do not know how or do not want to know how to be angry about nothing.
living forever in spite is only for the truly wise or the truly stupid.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
nostalgia or something else?
okay, so this entry feels a little scattered but it is just a recap of good night melted into a good day. and yes as usual i am feeling a little nostalgic and a little sad but it is an oxymoronic happy sad.
Saturday, April 7, 2007
i always imagine that my blogs should touch someone on some other level where they found my life truly interesting. i think that when i do update i tend to either drab it down or not update at all for lack of the idea striking me. should i be happy that i am not so strapped to my blogs? i always notice that i am not as hell bent on using my sidekick for everything with my female counterpart on the other side of me typing furiously as though she had no idea on how to do anything else other than use this silly device. but i do digress that if this device had any bit of the funtionality, for me, that my xbox does then hell would have already frozen over.
i recently, as by the way of today, read about the possibility of a zune cell phone type device that could update all its songs and such via wi-fi. maybe this option will be more viable for me than the iphone.
as my dear love sits next to me, still furiously typing i am thinking of how nice it will be to just lie in bed with her for the whole of tomorrow for the first time since we have been living with each other.
i love you cindy and i am thankful and grateful for every moment i get to spend with you.
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
big dreams and playing make believe.
i am now going to begin working on what i hope will become a bigger project that i can even imagine at this point. it is going to be my gaming community within a gaming community. it will have clan based purposes for gears of war and halo and such and it will also be a place within the xbox community to create a more personable community and make it even more fun for gamers to meet other gamers. i am dreaming big and as long as i keep dreaming this way i can only go up. maybe a comic for the community, a forum of course, but most of all just for there to be people on your friends list that you always feel like playing with. i'll call it "P4PER M4N" because the idea i was stricken with was just to hand out flyers with this name on it to expand my gaming community.
Friday, March 30, 2007
Thursday, March 29, 2007
probably my second favorite of their songs.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
a nice longg day.
supposed to. yeah what the fuck i'm a whiner. haha and i have to open
tomorrow; i love running myself ragged at both ends.
the black donnellys was amazing last night as usual but last night was
the best since the second episode. they really know how to work a lot of
magic with that show. it plays like my favorite movies do and i can
watch the episodes two and three times and love them just as much.
again if you haven't checked it out yet do that mondays @ ten.
so i talked more about a show than how exhausted i am. goodnight
Sunday, March 25, 2007
retrospective conversations.
thought provoking.
i do not think there has been a shift that i have ever worked where it
never felt like i was working for a second. thoughts were equally on
comics and all propoganda related and tipped towards musical
inclinations. we talked about batman, texas is the reason, invader zim,
and the movielife.
my bone tattoo went over well.
on another topic i have been playing something other than crackdown for
the past day. alien hominid hd which is awesome in its every aspect.
this is a highly reccomended game to those who only even have a pc. it
was originally a flash based game (and rightfully still is) from the
fine people who run anyway check it out.
and now i am finally on the train and kudos to that because the
originally inspiring guitar strumming was beginning to drill into my
Thursday, March 22, 2007
who knows?
up at six in the morning. the problem here is that i remember on the
schedule that i am working in the am from 7.30 to 11.30, but my sidekick
says differently. what does it say? i have work in the pm. now i
already called but as i know, there are only two people there and no one
really answers the phone there anyway. worst thing is i don't have work
until tonight, which is probably not the case. i am betting that i just
entered it wrong into my sidekick considering it was my first time doing
so and i was doing it on a grand two week scale. all things considered
though, i am tired and i do wish that i could have stayed in bed. now i
am thinking of something though that could possibly lead me to believe
that i am working tonight: i remember thinking that it would suck to get
home @ 11.30 @ night because cindy would already be asleep. wtf. i think
too much but now i am kind of convinced. well i'll let you know if this
AM rant which apparently lasts longer than a normal rant was worth it or
not. i would so prefer the former because i am already almost there.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
i'm being harassed.
on that note life as usual has been continuing on at a normal clip. i have been playing massive amounts of crackdown to which i completed the main campaign part of the game. at the moment i am just trying to max out my achievements in the game so i can finally get back to playing some more gears of war.
i assembled some furniture for mike and cin's mom today. that was tedious but it was alright despite my massive headache that a red bull could not cure. surprisingly the water and a shower did though.
gotta go take out the recycling and attempt to get some gaming in before south park comes on (not gonna happen).
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
new sbux.
could be any more complacent with my feelings about the place. the
partners are cool; few minor annoyances aside (which tends to always be
the case), the customers are pretty much alright (again with the minor
annoyances that can mess up your flow), we have a celebrity regular who
is extrodinarily nice (i was told that she was a regular: julia stiles),
and all and all the store is beginning to feel like home.
other than sbux i got my xbox back which i am extrodinarily happy
about. i played crackdown last which was f'ing awesome (a highly
under-rated game).
anyway i am on the train on the way home and i am actually quite tired.
nate out.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
cabin fever.
Sunday, March 4, 2007
good night.
avalanche so it was business as usual. the sleeping was amazing
although i just had no energy. i have been lacking in the energy
department lately. i did get vin's sn though, sorta my crowning
achievment. fun.
Friday, March 2, 2007
i am currently sitting in the kitchen of said brooklyn apartment and i just got finished checking a long list of email, rss feeds, and making what seems to be a "new" myspace account. i have to move a bunch of boxes from the "currently full of boxes" living room into the only empty room of the place (at least for the time being).
people, check out: