I remember this time last year thinking that there was no way that 2008 could be as good a year for gaming as 2007 had been. As we all know, I was sorely mistaken and 2008 was a grand year to be a gamer and I feel that 2009 is going to be just as good. I only have my eyes and ears on a few games but I have listed other games that I am also interested in playing.
My Personal Most Anticipated
Halo Wars – This game looks deliciously fun and if it succeeds at its main promise, (intuitive control system) I am sure it will be one of my top games of the year.
Mass Effect 2 – If this actually comes out in 2009 I would be surprised. I haven’t heard anything to say that it is coming out this year but I haven’t heard anything on the contrary. Saying that it is coming out this year is just going on the assumption that it is going on the two year development plan (Gears of War 2, etc.) that so many games seem to have adopted.
Brutal Legend – This is my top anticipation for 2009 because Psychonauts was my favorite game of the last generation. Tim Schafer is a genius and I believe that this will be my favorite game of 2009 just based on whom it is coming from.
Games on 1UP’s List That I Will Probably Play
I had trouble remembering all of the games that were mentioned to come out this year so I was browsing Digg and came up with 1UP’s list and these are the few that I am interested in.
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars – This seems like it can be one of the most innovative games of 2009 (for its control system) and that is enough for me to play it. I am so very impressed with a lot of the games that come out for the DS.
Star Wars: The Old Republic – There are so many games that I am considering buying a new PC for and this is one of them. If this is any bit as good as the Knights of the Old Republic Games then I am sold. The fact that it is an MMO does nothing to dissuade me and knowing my addictive personality, once I start playing this game, I will not stop – unless it is awful.
Wolfenstein – I think I have to play this by proxy seeing as Wolfenstein 3D was the first game that I ever played where I started to play games seriously (as in more than just going over to my friends out to play his NES with him).
Diablo 3 – Do I need to even say anything? I realize that I probably do need to say something for all of those that read this who do not know who I am but seriously it is a Diablo game so yes, I do not really need to say anything more. I will say that this is another game that I am going to need a PC for.
Assassin’s Creed 2 – This was a game that I did not find on many ’09 lists but I would like to see where Ubisoft is taking this story.
Games I Might Consider Played Just to Say That I Am Open Minded
Prototype – I know nothing about this game and I probably will not until it comes out and I play it. The name is interesting enough and a friend has told me that he is interested. That is enough for me to be interested in it. How presumptuous is that?
Resident Evil 5 – I have no interest but I think I might rent this one just to say that I gave it a shot. Maybe I will love it. Maybe.
Bioshock 2 – I want this game to be great but like everyone else, I have huge doubts.
Ghostbusters: The Video Game – Read Bioshock 2
Halo 3: ODST – It is another Halo game and I’m not excited.
APB (All Points Bulletin) – I have my doubts on whether this one will come out this year but it is the one out of this set (“Others”) that I am the most interested in. It is from Realtime Worlds, which as we all know made Crackdown. This is also an MMO and if it comes out this year alongside The Old Republic then my time is in trouble.
It looks to be a solid year and I am sure this is only half of the list of games that will be on my games played post come the year’s end. It will be good to see what comes out of all of the conventions this year and I must say as a final note that I am anticipating the year to come.
P.S. - I also wanted to add that I am glad that I am not the only one who is observing this barren blogging wasteland. The only information that came out of CES was the reaffirmation of XBOX LIVE Primetime, a Halo Wars demo/release date that we already knew, some community game the is supposed to be like LittleBigPlanet, etc. Thanks to Joystiq for all of the information but seriously these are not new stories.
Being the PC gamer that I am, I am EXTREMELY excited for Diablo 3, as well as Starcraft 2 (never played Starcraft, but it's Blizzard? Does Blizzard make bad games? No.) and Wolfenstein. I played the hell out of Return to Castle Wolfenstein back in the day and it remains as one of my favorite FPSs ever. 2009 is truly going to be a fantastic year for gaming (I'm even a bit excited for The Sims 3...which I will most likely play for a month and then grow tired of).
You know, you should really add some PC gaming insight to your blog. :-p
I know I should, I also need to get a super awesome PC that might make my bank account not so super awesome.
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