Oh hi! Do you remember me? I'm that girl that used to update this blog on a relatively normal basis, but since the new year has done a pretty poor job of doing so. There are really no excuses other then my own laziness, so I won't try and make them up. Something happened in my life that has prompted me to attempt to update a bit more often and that something is this beautiful thing:
Ah yes, that is a 23" ASUS HD LCD monitor pair with my old NEC 19" LCD monitor. I got the 23" in the mail yesterday and immediately had to set it up. I didn't get much WoW playing time in, but I loaded it up just to see how it looks and it looks GLORIOUS! I hope to get some more gaming in this weekend to test it out, possibly some Fallout 3 or some Crysis. WoW is nice and all, but I really want to test it out on some more graphically intense games.
So what have I been playing lately? Over the past few weeks there has been some Rock Band 2, some Scene It: Box Office Smash, some Left 4 Dead 2 and the oldie, but the goodie...WoW. I haven't really been spending a lot of time on any type of "hardcore" game lately. By hardcore, I mean mostly more serious games like Fallout 3 or Crysis or something of that nature. Life just hasn't allowed me to play any type of more serious game for a while, but that's okay, I've been enjoying being a bit of a casual gamer lately. I've gotten my toon up to level 72 in WoW, which is nice. I think once I get to 80 I'm going to take a break and try and dedicate my gaming time to other games that I need to finish. I have another toon I'd like to level to 80, but I think she can wait.
I've been enjoying Left 4 Dead 2 quite a bit. I've only gotten the chance to play a couple times and have played through maybe 3 campaigns completely, but it's been fun. The only complaint I have with the game at this point is the HUGE difference between levels of difficulty. While I was home for Christmas with Nate, we played on normal and that felt like it should have been advanced...or at least somewhere between normal and advanced. A couple days ago I played again with a friend, but this time on easy because he doesn't have too much experience play L4D2. Honestly, easy felt TOO easy even for him. We got through the campaign without any major trouble. The biggest difference I noticed between the two levels of difficult is the number of special infected you experience. In easy it felt like it wasn't enough. In normal, it felt like it was just a little bit too much. I must admit, while playing on normal was frustrating and felt too difficult (for a normal setting), it was much more enjoyable to play. Yes, there were extreme moments of frustration and I wanted to throw my controller a few times, but sharing THAT experience with another person was much more enjoyable then sharing the experience of quickly and easily getting through a campaign with a friend. I definitely need to get some more L4D2 play time in. Maybe this weekend. We shall see!
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